Rules of Conduct

Last Updated:

The Cecil County Public Library has established the following rules to ensure a safe and welcoming environment for all. Actions that disrupt the use of the Library by others or interfere with the normal operations of the Library are not permitted. Examples are provided to better define behaviors, but prohibited activities are not limited to these examples.

Library staff have the authority and responsibility to enforce these rules. Enforcement of these rules will be conducted in a fair and reasonable manner. Library staff will intervene to stop prohibited behaviors, and when necessary, may contact local police.

Repeat or severe offenders may be removed from the Library for a specified period of time and/or have their Library privileges suspended. Anyone wishing to appeal their suspension may submit an appeal in writing to the Library Director.

The Rules of Conduct are posted online and in each Library facility.

Prohibited behaviors include:

  • Any activity which is unlawful, or which could result in physical harm to persons or property, or is inconsistent with the general purpose of the Library.
  • Refusing to follow staff direction.
  • Disruptive behavior and/or language.
  • Verbally and/or physically threatening, harassing, or intimidating patrons, staff, or volunteers.
  • Fighting.
  • Loitering.
  • Blocking access or passage to patrons, staff, or volunteers.
  • Possessing or being under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol.
  • Smoking, vaping, and/or use of tobacco products on library property.
  • Consuming food outside of designated areas. Lidded beverages are permitted.
  • Being barefoot, shirtless, or otherwise dressed in a way that disrupts the Library environment.
  • Strong odors that interfere with others’ use of the library.
  • Petitioning or solicitation.
  • Leaving personal belongings unattended.
  • Riding skateboards, bikes, or scooters on library property.
  • Violating CCPL’s Computer Use Policy, including accessing pornography.
  • Destroying, damaging, or stealing Library property.
  • Bringing animals into the library, with the exception of service animals.
  • Leaving children under the age of 8 unattended. Children under the age of 8 must be accompanied by a caregiver at least 13 years of age. (MD Ann. Code, Family Law 5-801)


Approved by the Library Board of Trustees, 6/20/2023

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